Saturday, November 24, 2012

Everything Diet: How much dietary fiber should one consume to have ...

Everything Diet: How much dietary fiber should one consume to have ...: In general, men should consume about 35 grams and women should consume 25 grams of fiber per day. You can always eat...

How much dietary fiber should one consume to have any health benefits?

In general, men should consume about 35 grams and women should consume 25 grams of fiber per day. You can always eat more but this can cause bloating and excess flatus (gas). In the last decade, many manufactures have started to add fiber to most processed foods. Recommended natural foods for your fiber source include more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nuts.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is there any particular fish that is better than others?

Well, it depends on what you read and whom you speak to. All this stuff about mercury in fish is hogwash. If mercury is present in tuna, you can rest assured it will also be present in other fish. The entire water system is contaminated. Do not believe for a second that the water in the ocean is clean enough to drink. Everyone is throwing junk into the waters. 

If you do not believe me, go take a trip to the Orient and Africa see for yourself. Most of the factory waste goes right into the oceans. People are pissing and shitting all over the place. The best thing is to eat a little of all types of seafood. Overall, seafood is a lot healthier than red meat.

Is there any reason why I should eat at set times?

Most people if they have no set time would go on eating all day. Thus, it is important to have set times to eat. If you have good self-control, and watch what you eat, you can anytime you want. Nutrition has myths of gigantic proportions-most are due to ignorance.

I would like to take extra calcium in my diet but I am not too fond of milk. Is there something else I can take instead of pills?

Well, for some unknown reason, many people outgrow their fondness for milk. Other claim they have lactose intolerance. If you do not have lactose intolerance you can drink any type of milk shake- you can buy milk shakes at fast food stores or make your own at home. All types of cheese contain high amounts of calcium. Other sources of calcium include sesame seed , almonds and green leafy vegetables. 

Once in a while, go drink a McDonald's Milk shake- they are the best-then go out for a walk because these shakes contain tons of calories.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I recently heard that eating African mangoes everyday can help one lose weight? Is this true?

Whoever told you that must be a buffoon, idiot and an ignoramus fool. Sure African mangoes are delicious to eat, but there is zero evidence that these fruits can help you lose weight. In fact, the taste is so addictive that you will gain more weight by eating more mangoes. The only people who advocate mangoes as a weight loss aid are people trying to sucker gullible westerners with false claims. Similar fairy tales occurred a few years ago with acai berry, aloe Vera, papaya and so on. If you were to go to Africa, you will see for yourself, that obesity is rampant in many countries. There is nothing wrong in eating mangoes, but if you want to lose weight, start walking more and eating less.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Does the Dukan Diet work for weight loss?

Experts indicate that the diet does not involve calorie counting and includes options for vegetarians. The diet has specific meal plans and recipes. However, the diet plan is very limiting and even recommends dodging of healthy foods like fruits, grain and nuts. Unfortunately, most low carbohydrate diets are not sustainable and most people tend to quit after just one week. Moreover, eating only protein diets leads to mood swings, extreme irritability, constipation and bad breath
In addition, protein diets are not ideal for people who have kidney problems, gout, high cholesterol or liver problems. In conclusion, the dukan diet is nothing special. The weight loss seen in the first two phase is pure water and likely to be regained when normal eating habits are resumed. The diet book costs $25. If you want to lose the cheap way and avoid restrictions of dietary plans, just walk more and eat less.